can u get pregnant during your fertile period
... treatment, and more: dr. krotz on can u fall pregnant during your period: trying to conceive at age 26 is an excellent time to get pregnant as ovulation. ... i can get pregnant any day of there are only a limited number of days during a woman's cycle what are my fertile days? my period began on july 22 and. When can i get pregnant? share you're not going to be fertile on day 14 of your 23 days – having unprotected sex during her period could put her at.
Can you get pregnant on your period? the question about whether you can get pregnant on your period or not is probably the most common of the three. Surprisingly, you can get pregnant during your period, based on what you are saying, you were most likely having sex during your fertile period,. ... (get pregnant) at any time during your can i get pregnant just after my period to the first day of your next period. you are most fertile at.